P1346 - FAULT CODE P1346 - OBD2
P1346 Code failures by brands
Description of DTC code P1346
Several vehicle manufacturers use real-time cam timing adjustment mechanisms, they are usually called VVT (Variable Valve Timing). This system commonly consists of a mechanical device that allows the camshaft to move through an angular range related to the pulley that is driven by a belt. Hydraulic operation is regulated by an oil control valve. This valve is handled by a pulse width modulating electrical current to a solenoid, which causes changes to the valve hole.
The VVT system includes a device called the Variable Valve Time Sensor, which consists of a signal plate and a receiver coil. The signal plate has 1 tooth on its external circumference. This is installed on the intake camshafts. As the camshafts begin to rotate, the relief of the signal plate and the air space of the coil undergo changes that create variations in the magnetic field and generate an electromotive force from the coil. The actual angle of the camshaft is detected by the VVT Sensor and provides a feedback signal to the ECM (Engine Control Module) for intake valve timing control, as required by the conditions.
The diagnostic code P1346 OBDII is a specific code, and about the manufacturers Lexus and Toyota, it is used to indicate that the Variable Valve Time Sensor for bank 1, which may have experienced performance problems.
Symptoms of fault code P1346
- Check Engine light on.
- Difficulties in starting the vehicle.
- Unstable acceleration.
Causes of OBD2 P1346
The reasons for setting the fault code P1346 OBD2 are
- The Variable Valve Timing Sensor circuit may have damage to its cables or connectors.
- The electrical connections of the Variable Valve Timing Sensor may have inconsistencies that cause a short or open circuit.
- The VVT system timing may have errors.
- The VVT Sensor may be in bad condition.
Possible solutions of the DTC code P1346
The steps to solve the DTC code P1346 OBDII are the following:
- See the Technical Service Bulletins.
- Check if other DTCs are configured that refer to the failure of the Variable Valve Timing system. In this case, diagnose the codes following the order shown in the scanner.
- Check the condition of the VVT Sensor's electrical components and check that they do not have any common deficiencies that could cause the malfunction. If you detect burns, wear and tear or other conditions, make appropriate repairs.
- Verify that the Variable Valve Timing Sensor circuit is not shorted. Compare the actual voltages to the manufacturer's specifications and if inconsistencies are discovered, make corrections.
- Check that the VVT Sensor is in good condition. Following the diagnostic guidelines set by the manufacturer, determine if it needs to be replaced.
Codes related to P1346
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