
Description of DTC code P0705

Diagnostic code P0705 OBD2 refers to the switch, whether internal or external, which is located in the transmission. Its function is to give a signal, either to the Power Train Control Module (PCM) or to the Transmission Control Module (TCM), indicating the position of gear changes, such as positions N, D, P, and R. It should be mentioned that the backup lights can also be controlled by the Transmission Range Sensor (TRS), in case it is external.

Basically this code implies that there is a fault in the Transmission Range Sensor (TCM), as it may be sending a wrong or incorrect signal or even not send any signal to the computer that identifies the position of the gear.

The PCM and the TCM receive signals from the Sensor VSS (Vehicle Speed ​​Sensor) and from the TRS Sensor (Transmission Range Sensor), when the vehicle is in motion. If for example; The signal from the TRS sensor indicates that the vehicle is parked, but the signal from the VSS sensor indicates that the vehicle is moving, the DTC code P0705 is established. It should be noted that the fact that the Transmission Range Sensor (TRS) when external is faulty is common, since it is exposed to the weather and other elements that may affect it.

Symptoms of fault code P0705

  • Check Engine service light turns on.
  • When starting the vehicle, you may have to manipulate the gear lever up and down so that it can start.
  • May be the starter does not start.
  • Fuel economy may not be the same.
  • The transmission may be delayed.

Causes of OBD2 P0705

The factors that can lead to the establishment of code P0705 are:

  • The Transmission Range Sensor (TRS) may not be connected correctly.
  • Some connector of the Transmission Range Sensor (TRS) may be defective.
  • The TRS sensor cables may have friction, causing a short circuit.
  • The TRS sensor may be defective.

Possible solutions of the DTC code P0705

To solve the fault code P0705 you can do the following:

  • Locate the transmission change link, bear in mind that in vehicles with front-wheel drive, it is located in the upper part of the transaxle, and in vehicles with rear-wheel drive, it is located on one side of the driver.

Then remove the electrical connector of the Transmission Range Sensor (TRS) and check it closely. Make sure there are no corroded bolts or even missing some.

  • Check the cable harness connector, and in this case make sure that the female connectors are in their proper place. You can clean them or replace them if necessary. Before reinstalling them you can put a little dielectric grease on the connectors.
  • Look at the position of the cables and make sure they are not rubbing against each other, are worn or broken. If they are like this they may short out. Repair or change one of these components if necessary.
  • Verify that the Transmission Range Sensor (TRS) is connected correctly, as it may be loose. If so, tighten the two sensor screws.
  • You can change the Transmission Range Sensor (TRS).

Codes related to P0705

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